Tuna are highly migratory and found around the world, along their numerous journeys. Throughout the Pacific from Vancouver BC to Tasmania you can find various forms of Tuna. Contrary to the image conjured by slogans like "chicken of the sea", Tuna Trollers" have a personal relationship and story with each fish they provide.
A couple fun hits on the lines after sunset. First up, Nicholas, Jay and Sam, as Nick' confidentially pulls a "Pass Behind" landing to place the fish exactly where he wants it. Followed by James on the gaff (hook on the end of a pole) helping Jay safely (for the fish) hoist Jay's impressive catch up the 5-6 feet , from the water, up over the rail and onto the table. Hour one or hour 18, these are the moments we live for!
Rather than hauling in HUGE loads of tuna at once, with bags (nets) full of fish ranging from potentially top shelf specimens to pre-smashed cat food (top of bag compared to the bottom). "Trollers" will run, depending on the conditions and the vessel, 6-25 individual lines with an individual jig and hook at the end of each as they glide through the water. Once a fish strikes the jig, the line is pulled in by hand using gloves made from a heavy-duty car innertube. That's the only material that the lines won't eat or slice right through. If the fish is large enough and risks ripping out the jaw while trying to get the fish into the vessel the crew may use a gaff (a pole with a hook at the end) to help hoist the fish up and safely into the vessel. These tuna, aren't slow or unobservant fish, these are "Eaters". Eaters are active fish, be it 15- or 50+lbs, these fish are hunting for active prey and aggressively chase after them in order to strike from the depths! These fish have such an abundance of oils and fats that the flavor and quality of this fish is unparalleled.
One morning, just before sunrise, Nick' disappeared as he was doing his rounds and throwing out a few lines as we traveled across the fishing grounds, before taking over for his watch. I come out after he'd taken around 15 minutes longer than normal; and half asleep, he's pulled up 3 of these beauties and he's just grinning ear to ear! (The tub is empty because the fish were ready to be hung in the blast-freezer)
But even then, just starting with the perfect product isn't enough. Once off the hook, each fish is cut just inside the gills and then sent into a continually flushing tank filled with fresh salt water to swim and painlessly bleed out (because fish experience reactive pain, but not sustained pain like we do) while simultaneously and naturally flushing the blood from the fish. This, in my/our professional opinion, is the kindest and most respectful way to finish a fish. This level of detail and individual care also gives way to the best prepared product ready to impress any wise and discerning buyer.
Now, obviously I skipped the details like what test of line, jigs, hooks, knots, sea conditions and times of year do we utilize or focus on. I also skipped the different types of cold storage (on Ice, in a Brine, Blast Frozen or Refrigerated Seawater) to choose from after the fish has been landed and prepared perfectly. While I acknowledge the importance of all those factors, and everything else, in achieving the highest quality harvest and delivery of these amazing fish. I wanted to take a moment to simplify and emphasize the difference and beauty of "Tuna Trolling" in todays informed and demanding marketplace.
Gratefully here,
James Gaunavinaka
Founder & Co-CEO